Coachella Valley Public Cemetery
About Us
Coachella Valley Public Cemetery District
The Board of Trustees wants to hear from you!
Please feel free to contact us with any ideas or concerns.
Chairman Ernesto Rosales Ernesto.Rosales@cvpcd.org
Vice-Chair Judy Vossler Judy.Vossler@cvpcd.org
Trustee Marcos Coronel Jr. Marcos.Coronel@cvpcd.org
Trustee Bruce Underwood Bruce.Underwood@cvpcd.org
Trustee John Rios John.Rios@cvpcd.org
The Coachella Valley Public Cemetery District was formed August 8, 1927, under Section 8890 of the California Health and Safety Code. District boundaries enclose approximately 3,444 square miles. The district since that time has performed over 21,000 interments/burials, and has set over 18,000 headstones/grave markers. The Coachella Valley Cemetery is one of over 265 public cemetery districts in California which are supported, in part, by property taxes and one of many types of special districts in California.
The cemetery estimates that the facility will meet the need of the public for at least fifty years. The total district property consists of sixty acres, twenty-nine of the sixty have been developed for interment purposes.
A small portion of the property tax revenue that is collected from tax payers within the district is part of the revenue the cemetery relies on for the annual budget. Individuals who do not reside in the district do not pay property taxes in the district are required by law to pay a surcharge to the district for interment in the cemetery.
Cemetery Districts are not actually a department of any City or County government. Although Counties, for a fee