Old Town Artisan Studios

Old Town Artisan Studios



About Us

Old Town Artisan Studios (OTAS) is committed to bringing healing art experiences to those who need it most, regardless of age, ability and financial condition. We are dedicated to ensuring that art remains a vibrant part of the creative fabric of the Coachella Valley communities which we serve.

OTAS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides an inviting space nestled in the heart of La Quinta, CA. We are dedicated to fostering creativity and enriching lives through the creation of art. Our sprawling 3-acre campus and 16,000-square-foot historical facility, is a haven for artistic expression, surrounded by tree-lined gardens, brick patios, and a cascading waterfall that inspire creativity and serenity where people of all ages and skill sets reveal their creativity through self-expression and experience the healing power of art.

The heart of our organization is our Mobile Mission Art Programs (Community Outreach) which brings art adventures all over the Coachella Valley, at little to no cost to the student, made possible through generous donations, grants and partnerships. We have programs for elderly, youth, Veterans, people living with Alzheimer's and people with a variety of behavioral challenges.

We depend on the generosity and support of our valued donors and volunteers to help to fuel the free and reduced-fee programs for our local residents in need. We also offer fee-based art classes and "Art of Music" concerts which help to support our mission.


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Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Peggy Schulz
Director of Development

Printed courtesy of www.gcvcc.org – Contact the The Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce for more information.
45149 Smurr St., Indio, CA 92201 – (760) 347-0676 – info@gcvcc.org